
Wheel Of Fortune Contestant Makes Embarrassing Blunder On Air

“I’d like to buy a vowel, an O for “Oh no, what have I said?”

In a viral clip that should have the contestant asking for an N, an S, an F and a W for Not suitable for work, one American contestant on Wheel of Fortune has learnt the hard way not to just say the first thing that comes into your head.

In the opening round of the game, the contestants are asked to solve a four-word phrase as letters appear quickly on the board.

With only four letters revealed the contestant buzzes in to guess “Right in the butt!” only to be told by long-time host Pat Sajak “No.”

From here we can see the embarrassment of the man who quietly decides to put the buzzer down to prevent any further brain explosions, and then, with the crowd still laughing, another contestant guesses correctly, “This is the best.”

And she is right, this is the best, for the internet, with thousands of shares across all platforms.

This is all good timing too, with Sajak only weeks away from retiring after hosting for 43 years, it is nice to know he can still provide us with the game show moment of the year.