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Episode Three: Fishes & Loaves
PG | Documentary

Air Date: Fri 13 Nov 2020

Just a few years ago, archaeologists uncovered grinding stones fragments more than 30, 000-years-old. In these fragments starch was found, leading many to believe that Aboriginal people are very likely the world’s first bread makers.

About the Show

Hosted by Elaine Crombie (seasons one and two) and Steph Tisdell (season three) Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia is a 10 play documentary web series that’s all about busting myths and celebrating truths about First Nations history and culture.

Let’s be real, when it comes to Australia’s First Nations people, there's a lot of misinformation out there. And a whole lot of stuff that's never been taught.

Released every NAIDOC Week, in Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia, First Nations people share their knowledge about this country and the oldest continuing culture in the world - opening our eyes to a bunch of stuff all Australians should be proud of.

Fast, fascinating and with a dash of funny – Stuff Every Should Know About Australia is a collaboration between 10 play and First Nations creatives who are passionate about learning amazing truths and sharing them with the rest of the nation. 

How Can I Watch Episodes of the Australian Documentary Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia?

Celebrate NAIDOC week 2020 and watch season one of the documentary series Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia on 10 play. Watch Episode One: Original Greenies, Episode Two: Sweet Dreamings and Episode Three: Fishes & Loaves.

Celebrate NAIDOC week 2021 and watch season two of the documentary series Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia on 10 play. Watch Episode One: The Heroes of Gundagai, Episode Two: Language Warriors, Episode Three: Ancient Ovens and Episode Four: More than Myth.

Season three of the documentary web series Stuff Everyone Should Know About Australia is coming Sunday July 3 for NAIDOC Week 2022. Watch this short Q&A with Steph Tisdell to get you through.