Kailan Collins

Kailan Collins

Local Beach: Dee Why

Were you an underwater kid?


Tell us about your training and experience in the water?

Train as hard as possible for as long as possible

What drew you to lifeguarding?

Watching Baywatch

What unique achievements do you have in relation to the water or lifeguarding?

Day dreamer

What’s your training regime?

When I can

How long have you been a lifeguard for?

Long time

What do you love about being a Bondi Lifeguard?

Good local coffee

What's the most intense rescue you've been a part of?

Noosa Heads

What's the greatest lesson you've learnt while being a lifeguard?


What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

Patience & empathy

What's the hardest part of your job?


What's it like when there is an emergency?

Normal day at work

What do you hope to achieve or get out of this season at bondi?

No sun burn

What do you do during the non-summer period?


Do you have another job? What?

School teacher

What are you hobbies?

Cycling, red wine

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?

We work on the weekend

What's your best and worst quality?!?

Stubbornness, arrogance.

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?

Teacher , coach