Anthony "Harries" Carroll

Anthony "Harries" Carroll

Where did you work before Bondi, and what made you chose Bondi?

I was the face of Qantas and also worked there as a flight attendant.

What's the most intense rescue you've been a part of?

I rescued an English gentleman at Tamarama. I resuscitated the male all on my own.

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

Smiling at the public, been able to save a life, good health and eye sight. Empathy for all.

What was your first rescue like?

My first rescue was at Bronte beach. An American Olympic swimmer tried to take her life by swimming out to sea. She was too good of a swimmer and got about 2 kms out. When we finally got her on the rescue board, she fell asleep.

Have women ever claimed to be in danger just to have a handsome lifeguard save them?

Women never claim to drown in front of me but I did spot my wife looking like a mermaid on the rocks at Bondi. I swam to see if she was alright, and history's been made. It was my best rescue yet.