Max Ayshford

Max Ayshford

Tell us about your training and experience in the water?

Been surfing since age of 6. Been in the water all my life.

What drew you to lifeguarding?

Harries was training me and asked if I wanted to do traineeship.

What unique achievements do you have in relation to the water or lifeguarding?

1st in Australian titles for surfing

How long have you been a lifeguard for?

4 years

How has your view changed over the years on the beach and what you do?

Become more of a people person and more mature.

What do you love about being a Bondi Lifeguard?

Helping/saving people. Working with all of the boys.

Is there still something that gets your heart racing on the job?

The word resus on the radios

What's the greatest lesson you've learnt while being a lifeguard?

How to deal with other people

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

People skills, calm under pressure. Level head.

What's the hardest part of your job?

People not listening to what you want.

What's it like when there is an emergency?

Everyone has learnt o be calm under pressure so most of the time everyone is calm and does what they have to.

This year is the 10th for the TV Series, what’s been the most emotional day for you on the job?

(Or several days) Done a resus at Tama and was unsuccessful.

Which rescue stands out as something you’ll never forget?

Dre in backpacks. Box & myself done 15 rescues in 10 minutes.

What do you want to achieve or get out of this season at Bondi?

As must life experience as possible

How do you feel about sharks?

They are fine. We are in their backyard.

Do you have any fears?


Do you have another job outside lifeguarding?


What are you hobbies?

Surfing, hanging with mates. Good beer.

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?


What's your best and worst quality?

Always happy. Bad attention span.

What's the one thing people don't know about you?

Scared of heights.

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?


What’s the silliest thing you’ve seen on Bondi Beach?

Car on beach

Tell us something funny about one of the other lifeguards?

Harrison buys instagram followers.