Daniel McLaughlin

Daniel McLaughlin

Tell us about your training and experience in the water?

All based around surfing. Grew up surfing at Bronte beach. Started lifeguarding in 2001, had 1 season off in ‘07/’08 then returned.

What drew you to lifeguarding?

To be able to sit down at the beach with my mates and get paid for it.

What unique achievements do you have in relation to the water or lifeguarding?

Have received peer voting ‘best and fairest’ aware and ‘rookie of the year’ award

How long have you been a lifeguard for?

14 yrs

How has your view changed over the years on the beach and what you do?

Spend less time at the beach for leisure which isn’t good thing. Im somewhat jaded, did wonders for my golf.

What do you love about being a Bondi Lifeguard?

Healthy lifestyle, job satisfaction and appreciate coming to work everyday.

Is there still something that gets your heart racing on the job?

Young kids in trouble.

What's the greatest lesson you've learnt while being a lifeguard?

Should always assume nobody can swim

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

To be confidant and knowledgeable in water. The rest can be taught.

What's the hardest part of your job?

People constantly needing/wanting

What's it like when there is an emergency?

Depends on who is working. Can vary in levels. Usually someone will take charge & it will run smoothly.

This year is the 10th for the TV Series, what’s been the most emotional day for you on the job?

(Or several days) Don’t get emotional, have to have a disconnect from that side of work.

Which rescue stands out as something you’ll never forget?

Pulling the guy up by the hair. That was a close call.

What do you want to achieve or get out of this season at Bondi?

Keep turning up day in day out.

How do you feel about sharks?

Aware that they’re around. But don’t let them bother me.

Do you have any fears?

Being directly responsible for someone’s death.

Do you have another job outside being a lifeguard? Carpenter. Bondi Zinc.

What are your hobbies?

Surfing, watching TV

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?

Yes, Mouse, Itchi, Luke, Azza G, Whip, Chappo

What's your best and worst quality?

Best – efficient , Worst – Piss a lot of work mates off

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?


What’s the silliest thing you’ve seen on Bondi Beach?

Junky woken up by ambo’s with ‘narcan’ and he said ‘why did you ruin it?’

Tell us something funny about one of the other lifeguards?

Chappo doesn’t wipe his bum properly.