Aaron Buchan

Aaron Buchan

Were you an underwater kid?


Tell us about your training and experience in the water?

Grew up in Coogee boogie boarding the dumping shore break and reefs around the area. Grew into surfing and settled In at Tamarama. Traveled to somewhere with good waves every year since leaving school.

What drew you to Lifeguarding?

Had been around it for many years and it was only natural I would get involved at some stage. Good healthy career with great rewards.

What unique achievements do you have in relation to the water or Lifeguarding?

I've saved countless lives and not many people go home from work with that satisfaction.

What’s your training regime?

Nothing very structured. Surf and mountain bike as often as possible. Swim a lot in winter. Train every day, even if its just a stretch or roll.

How long have you been a lifeguard for?

9 years. I think!

What do you love about being a Bondi Lifeguard?

The team. The heat of the battle. The comfort that we all have each others back, what ever the situation or differences.

What's the most intense rescue you've been a part of?

There has been a lot but the ones that stick with you aren't always the most intense, but more the emotions in the way someone looks at you, or something they or their family say that gets inside you.

What's the greatest lesson you've learnt while being a lifeguard?

There is always more to learn.

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

Compassion, selflessness.

What's the hardest part of your job?

Watching our beaches left in such an appalling state by some beach goers. It's heart breaking!

What's it like when there is an emergency?

Exciting, exhilarating, stressful.

What do you hope to achieve or get out of this season at Bondi?


What do you do during the non-summer period?

Forget about the beach..

Do you have another job?

Firefighter with the hazardous material response unit

What are you hobbies?

Mountain biking

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?

Beny Q, Quinno and Brad Mal are three of my closest mates. Ben and brad were in my bridal party and I was in theirs..

What's your best and worst quality?!?

Loyalty and very Moody

What's the one thing people don't know about you?

'I just want to dance'

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?

I was a panel beater before leaving that behind to become a lifeguard and then a fire fighter, so I guess a panel beater, but I always wanted to be a pilot in the Air Force. Maverick and top gun!!