Harrison Reid

Harrison Reid

How long have you been lifeguarding?

8 years.

Where are you from?

I was born and raised in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Do you have brothers and sisters?

No, just me.

Did you grow up near the beach?

I grew up a five minute walk to the beach. It was the best place to grow up, not during school though.

Were you an underwater kid?

I grew up surfing, did Nippers and my parents had a boat, so I loved fishing, snorkeling and swimming.

Tell us about your training and experience in the water:

I’ve done swim training most of my life and am always at the local beach with mates playing in and around the water. Surfing and living next to the beach helped me learn to read the surf and gain experience with water safety.

When did you realise you wanted to be a lifeguard?

I realised I wanted to be a lifeguard as soon as I started high school. I just couldn’t think of a better way to spend my life than doing something I loved.

How did you apply for and become a lifeguard at Bondi?

I did Lifeguard Academy at Bondi when I was 15 and then came back a couple of times. Once I was older and left school I was very fortunate to get a crack at the traineeship.

Did you think you’d get in?

How did you feel when you did get in? To be honest, I didn’t think I’d get the traineeship but thought I’d give it a good crack. When I got the good news, I lost the plot. I couldn’t believe it but I was able to keep it pretty low key for about a year until I was actually on the plane to come over here.

What do you love about being a lifeguard on Bondi?

The people I work with make the experience. And Bondi is so crazy; anything can happen at anytime.

What has been the hardest thing about being a lifeguard?

Being in the extreme elements with large crowds under pressure. The sun and wind really takes a toll on your body, especially with the crowds are up. You defiantly don’t have much of a social life through that busy period!

What do you do in your down time?

When I’m not working, I relax and try and do something different such as tennis or golf when.

Did you know any of the guys before you started as a lifeguard?

I knew a couple of the lifeguards when I came over but not very well.

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?

Of course. Maxi is my flat mate and we both see a lot of Deano because we all train together.

Have they given you a nickname yet?

I’ve had plenty of nicknames and they keep on coming. The one that has stuck so far is Lionel Hutts.

What’s been the best moment on the job so far?

My most surreal moment was when Jesse and I went to rescue a rock fisherman at the gap in solid seas on the jet ski. A helicopter had to winch down and take the patient from us. It was an unreal feeling.

Is lifeguarding something you want to do forever or is it a step towards something else?

Why would I leave? It’s the best job ever.

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?

I would hate to be in that position. I wouldn’t want to do anything else than be a lifeguard.

What do you hope to get out of this season at Bondi?

I’m just trying to take as much on board as I can during this season. I learn more and more each day.

One thing that people wouldn’t know about you?

I laugh at everything, even my own jokes.

What are your best and worst qualities?

My best quality is that I help others but my worst quality is that I have no patience.