Jethro James

Jethro James

What made you want to become a lifeguard?

I’ve spent my life at the beach so it felt perfect for me.

How are you finding your first season as a lifeguard?

I’ve been surprised by just how busy it is. There are so many different aspect of the job. I have a lot to learn and the goal is to be able to put that all together to become a good lifeguard.

Have you had any big rescues yet?

I’ve been involved in quite a few rescues already, including a couple of pretty serious ones. I’ve seen how quickly things can go wrong on Bondi.

Do you have any fears?

I get concerned on big wave days. Not because I’m worried about my ability in the water, but because of the amount of people involved and figuring out where to prioritise my time and attention.

How have the other lifeguards been treating you?

It’s an awesome crew. The younger guys have been looking after me and I get a lot of advice from H Man [Harry Nightingale]. We chat a lot in the buggy and I really look up to him.

What are you hoping to get out of this season?

I really just want to get a lot of really good experience. This is something I hope to do for a really long time so I want to do my best.

Jethro James, or “Jeff” as some of the lifeguards call him, is a 19-year-old surfer from nearby Clovelly.

The deep-thinker has a cheeky side but don’t be fooled: he is serious about his lifeguarding career. This is more than just a fun day on the beach for Jethro – it’s a lifelong career.

Jethro gets a hard time from the other lifeguards for being a boogie boarder. And his shaggy blonde hair has earned him a few nicknames, including “Nicola”, after his fellow lifeguard who possesses a similar hairstyle. Rumour has it, Nicola even gives Jethro a haircut later in the season. Too much confusion, perhaps?