Ben Quigley

Ben Quigley

How long have you been lifeguarding for?

Since 1996

Local beach?


What drew you to lifeguarding?

My dad was a lifeguard at Bondi for 30 years. I was bought up amongst the lifeguards and learnt the importance and respect for them and the job they do everyday.

What’s your most memorable rescue?

A sad one - finding Yondon Dongu on the ocean floor at South Bondi and having to attempt resuscitation in front of his family and the entire beach knowing that there really was no hope.

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

Patience, communication and the ability to laugh things off

Have you ever had to be rescued? No.

If I weren’t a lifeguard I would be:

A Doctor

In my spare time I like to:


If I could spend a day with any person (dead or alive) it would be:

Nelson Mandela

One thing you wouldn’t know about me:

I have never been beaten in a game of backgammon