Juliana King

Juliana King

Tell us about your training and experience in the water?

During school I competed in spring board and platform diving, I just started swimming in my senior years of school as I was already in the local surf club and getting into surfing. Once finishing school I began competing more in triathlons and was lucky enough to travel all over the world racing.

In 2015 I paddled a board from Newcastle to Bondi for charity and again this year I paddled 1000km from Newcastle to Noosa for Domestic Violence and Ocean Conservation. My connection and affinity with the ocean is difficult to describe. The easiest way to put it is I feel more calm, comfortable, confident and myself in the sea.

What drew you to lifeguarding?

I got into surfing so spent as much time as humanly possible at the beach practicing, I became friends with the local guards there and thought they had the best job in the world and wanted in on it so as I got older I began quizzing them on the job and how to go about becoming a lifeguard. In 2006 I got a job as a lifeguard with Lake Macquarie City Council and became their first female lifeguard.

What unique achievements do you have in relation to the water or lifeguarding?

I have lifeguarded for the councils across Lake Macquarie, Newcastle, Noosa and now Bondi. I have also spent a bit of time in California with the junior guards and joining in with their training programs. The most unique achievements are probably the extreme paddles I’ve done.

How long have you been a lifeguard for?

Its crazy to say it but this year is my 11th year as a lifeguard!

How has your view changed over the years on the beach and what you do?

My love of the coast hasn’t changed a bit since I became a lifeguard, I guess its only increased. I think now more than ever I truly respect and appreciate the job and its diversity.

What do you love about being a Bondi Lifeguard?

Knowing that no day is ever the same and either way you will be run off your feet keeping things under control.

Is there still something that gets your heart racing on the job?

There are constant moments within each day where your heart races it can be simple little things or when something turns pretty serious within moments in the water.

What's the greatest lesson you've learnt while being a lifeguard?

Patience and calmness… still a working progress

What do you think are the most important characteristics of a lifeguard?

Communication, absolute understanding and knowledge of the ocean, fitness, ability to pre predict and visual alertness.

What's the hardest part of your job?

It can be incredibly tiring spending so much time in the open elements.

What's it like when there is an emergency?

I love emergency response which is also what drew me into the job and also why I’m about to start studying paramedics, however amidst the chaos in any emergency I know first hand I have to focus on slowing down and maintaining control of the situation.

Which rescue stands out as something you’ll never forget?

Over the many years working on the beach I have done dozens of rescues, however a few weeks ago on a Sunday working at Bondi I officially did more rescues that day than id done in multiple years working further up the coast.

What do you want to achieve or get out of this season at Bondi?

I made the decision to move here as I wanted to experience working on Australia’s busiest beach. I just wanted to experience the chaos first hand.

How do you feel about sharks?

I’m so incredibly fascinated by sharks, I’ve been obsessed with them since I was about 2. I have so much deep respect for them; it upsets me to hear all the unnecessary hatered that gets thrown their way from people with little understandings of the bigger picture beyond seeing them as a man eater.

Do you have any fears?

I do have fears yes, but they don’t revolve around animals or the ocean.

Do you have another job outside LG?

I’m a high school PE teacher, personal trainer, a learn to swim teacher, work a retail job in the local Rip Curl store and occasionally sell custom art works

What are you hobbies?

Surfing, running, sketching, reading, handstands, golf, cycling, paddling, cooking

Do you hang out with any of the lifeguards on the weekend?

On occasion for a game of golf or training of some kind.

What's your best and worst quality?

I’m incredibly harsh on myself, this could be best and worst depending how you look at it.

What's the one thing people don't know about you?

A few years ago I was ranked 3rd and 7th in the world for aerobics! I’ve just recently learnt to walk again after over 5 months on crutches.

If you weren’t a lifeguard what would you be?

A full time professional triathlete or golfer.

What’s the silliest thing you’ve seen on Bondi Beach?

A life sizes t-rex dinosaur

Tell us something funny about one of the other lifeguards?

Box hasn’t been fond of the idea of owning a dog, but now he has a puppy he’s so in loved!