
Paris’ Champs-Élysées Transformed Into Giant Picnic Blanket For Free Meal

The Champs-Élysées was transformed into a massive picnic blanket for over 4,000 lucky people to enjoy a free al fresco meal.

The giant, 216-metre picnic blanket ran from the Arc de Triomphe to the intersection of Avenue George V.

The picnickers were selected via a draw and got to enjoy baskets loaded with delicacies from top Paris chefs, including puff pastries and sandwiches.

Head of the Champs-Élysées committee, Marc-Antoine Jamet, told The Guardian that the free picnic was to show Parisians that the avenue “isn’t just for high-end shopping.”

Over the years, locals seldom visit the promenade after it has slowly been taken over by luxury boutiques to cater to wealthy tourists.

Picnickers loved the experience. “The sky’s blue, the sun’s out, we’re sitting in the middle of the Champs-Élysées. We’re pretty lucky, no?” Fabien, who travelled to Paris with his wife Michelle, told BFMTV.