
Flathead with Pickled Daikon, Fennel, Beurre Blanc and Fennel Oil

Serves 4
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Bring a small saucepan of water to the boil. Prepare an ice bath in a small bowl.
  • For the Beurre Blanc, place 1 tablespoon of the butter into a saucepan over low heat. Add the shallots and cook until soft but not coloured, about 3-4 minutes. Add wine and vinegar and simmer until reduced by two thirds. Remove the shallots and set aside 1 cup of liquid (for pickling) in the freezer to cool.
  • Return remaining liquid (about 2 tablespoons) to a low heat and whisk in a cube of butter at a time until mixture is emulsified. Whisk in cream and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper. Cover and set aside. Gently whisk over low heat to serve.
  • For the Pickled Daikon and Fennel, add one teaspoon sugar and salt to reserved pickling liquid and stir to dissolve. Add the remaining ingredients and set aside in the fridge to pickle for 30 minutes. Drain well to serve.
  • For the Fennel Oil, blanch the fennel fronds in the boiling water for 20 seconds then remove and place into ice bath to cool. Drain fronds well and squeeze dry with paper towel. Transfer to a small food processor or canister of a stick blender along with remaining ingredients and process until combined. Pass through a lined sieve and set aside to strain. Transfer to a small squeeze bottle to serve.
  • For the Fried Capers, heat oil in a medium saucepan to 180C. Pat the capers dry and cook in hot oil until dry and crispy, about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the oil and set aside on paper towel.
  • For the Flathead, heat ghee in a large frypan over medium high heat. Season flathead fillets and cook in the pan for 1-2 minutes on each side until golden and just cooked through.
  • Arrange flathead on warm serving plates. Toss drained pickle in a little Fennel Oil and add to the plate. Garnish with fresh fennel fronds. Pour some warm Beurre Blanc around the flathead and finish with some dots of Fennel Oil and Fried Capers.

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