Emily Loo

Emily Loo

Queensland, 31, Resort Sales Coordinator

Emily Loo is known as the Spice Queen among family and friends and celebrated for her signature dish, Sarawak laksa.

Born in Borneo, Emily is the youngest child of Pauline, a former primary school teacher and retired aircraft engineer James, with siblings Elizabeth, 41, and Ernest, 40.

Her Malaysian-Chinese heritage brings with it plenty of flavour and Emily’s well-honed spice appreciation.

Emily’s journey towards a future in food hasn’t been straightforward. Bullied at school, she was often upset. To comfort her, Emily’s great aunt, a nun, saved to buy her a cookbook and an oven.

Ever since, Emily has lived and breathed cooking and is thankful for her aunt’s influence.

“She opened my eyes to the culinary world."

The family were not well-off, so Emily would save up to buy ingredients. She learnt techniques by observing her mother and aunt– her food mentors - in the kitchen.

“They are my inspiration and the people who have bought me so much joy and knowledge in supporting me and teaching me how to cook.”

However, the expectations of Emily’s culture are such that her parents would not approve of her being a chef. So she travelled to Australia for study, obtaining a Biomedical Engineering Degree from QUT.

Proud of their daughter’s degree, her parents want to see Emily pursue a career linked to her study. They are not aware that she is involved in MasterChef Australia, as Emily feels they would not approve.

Husband Ting is supportive of her dream and Emily loves to cook for him and their friends.

“There’s nothing more satisfying than sharing my passion and love towards food with everyone.”

Emily works as International Sales and Marketing Coordinator at Tangalooma Island Resort and would love to have an open-air Asian fusion restaurant on Moreton Island. She also dreams of hosting her own cooking show.

Naming her food idols as Donovan Cooke, Adriano Zumbo, Maggie Beer and Heston Blumenthal, Emily also looks up to chef and MasterChef Australia guest mentor Kylie Kwong.

“She’s amazing, she’s what I aspire to.”