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Sweet Week saw the return of the iconic Adriano Zumbo to the MasterChef kitchen
Expectations were through the roof as Finals Week challenged the contestants like never before
A place in the top 5 and a dish fit for a king were just two ingredients spicing up the latest week of MasterChef action
Hong Kong Week saw some big flavour adventures for the remaining contestants
Hugh Allen's Banksia Pod Pressure Test was just the latest creation to tax the contestants to the utmost
Our contestants were challenged to keep up with Curtis Stone, and Sumeet won a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see her sauce on the Coles shelves
A saucy Mystery Box Challenge, Darren Purchese's mind-twisting Pressure Test, and a surprise elimination - and second chance - rocked the MasterChef kitchen
A mystery wok, a tofu tragedy and another daring dessert from Anna Polyviou gave the contestants plenty to think about
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