
Statement From AEMO And CSIRO Regarding Nuclear Power

Statement From AEMO And CSIRO Regarding Nuclear Power

Statement From AEMO:

AEMO’s Integrated System Plan (ISP) outlines what Australia needs to build to keep the lights on as coal-fired generation retires.

It is developed by AEMO as part of its role as national transmission planner. The details of what must be included in the plan are set out in the National Electricity Rules.

Nuclear is not considered in the ISP because it is required to take account of government law and policy, and nuclear generation is currently banned under Australian law.

Statement From The CSIRO:

The GenCost report is technology-neutral, policy-agnostic, and provides a fact-based view on the cost of different energy technologies. We firmly reject any claims that suggest otherwise.

We stand by the data and analyses in the GenCost report. The data used in GenCost is based on the best global information and applied to local conditions, which allows a meaningful comparison of future electricity costs generated by various technologies, whether that’s nuclear, renewables, coal or gas, in the Australian context.

As Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO brings impartial research and carefully considered evidence, models, and data to inform the community and their elected representatives about the challenges ahead - including the challenge of transitioning our energy system while reaching net zero by 2050.