
Two Nude Men Become Heroes In San Francisco

Two nudists have become heroes after helping a man being attacked by a blowtorch… while they were both naked.

Pete Sferra and Lloyd Fishback were on a nude walk when they say a “crazy kind of pirate guy” threatening a tourist with a blowtorch.

A video shared by Chris Watts, who runs a store nearby, showed a video of the two men intervening, while a third clothed-person grabbed the blowtorch from the attacker.

The attacker then punched the tourist in the head twice before he was able to get away.

Then Fishback tackled the attacker, bringing them to the ground, before the attacker managed to get away.

“My buddy Lloyd is a quiet, respectful guy,” Sferra told The San Francisco Standard

“But he didn’t waste any time and nailed the guy with a right hook.”

The pair hope that the unfortunate incident will help people see nudists in a more positive light.