
41% Of People Think Emojis Are Needed In Texts To Feel Complete

In the age of digital communication, it turns out 41 per cent of us feel like our texts are “naked” if they don’t include an emoji.

Unsurprisingly, the younger generation is all about the emoji, with 70 per cent of Gen Z believing you need an emoji in a text message, while that number falls to 46 per cent of Gen X.

But it’s all about the context, with 32 per cent of respondents saying a single emoji text is a “conversation killer”.

The research of 2,000 Americans was conducted by Talker Research ahead of World Emoji Day on July 17.

As for the types of emojis we use, 58 per cent use happy emojis, such as laughing or smiling faces, while 15 per cent prefer sweet emojis, like hearts and kisses. And 38 per cent of us would like to invent an emoji!

With language evolving, emojis have become a larger part of how people communicate and rely on emojis to say things they can’t put into words.