
‘Transhuman’ Hackers Using Tech Implants To Hack Others

‘Transhumans’ are the very real subculture of people implanting technology into their bodies, giving them capabilities that are equal parts astonishing and concerning.

From paying for things with the wave of your hand to video cameras in place of eyes.

This is the wonderful world of transhumans; people who modify their bodies using technology to enhance their abilities to superhuman levels.

The transhumanist movement ultimately believes humans can eradicate ageing and death by merging with machines and augmenting our bodies and minds.

Worldwide, there are reportedly more than 50,000 people with these implants, which some say are the way of the future.

But not everyone is using their powers for good, with some even weaponising their implants to hack others.

Real-life transhuman Len Noe calls himself an ethical hacker, and he has 10 implants so far.

Len can now bypass security protocols, let himself into buildings and hack into your phone in 30 seconds.

But after a rough upbringing on the streets in Detroit, mixing with bikie gangs, Len is now using his hacking skills for good and helping us understand the dawn of a new digitally enhanced day.

Len Hoe told The Project that his journey to transhumanism started with tattoos and “standard augmentation”.

“A lot of the greatest medical benefits that we've actually having in the modern age, it originally started by people experimenting on themselves,” Len said. 

“So self-experimentation has been around forever. I guess the question I would ask, why not?”

Len said having the technology alone wasn’t enough, you also had to have knowledge on how to use it.

If Len wanted to hypothetically skim a security card to enter a building, he explained “It's not just I walk up and your badge information comes to me,” he explained. 

“I need to have the skills to get that information. I have to have tools to copy it off your card, and then I also have to have the intent to do something malicious with it.”