
Julian Assange Still Waiting To See His Kids After Arriving Back In Australia

After years behind bars, Julian Assange plans to swim in the ocean every day as he turns a page on the legal fight to avoid US prosecution.

The WikiLeaks founder stepped onto Australian soil on Wednesday night for the first time in 14 years, raising his arms and hugging his wife.

Following years of legal battles, the 52-year-old's charter jet landed in Canberra to a cheering crowd after he left the UK in a plea deal struck with US authorities.

In a press conference at Parliament House on Thursday, Stella Assange spoke of her husband's next steps.

"Julian plans to swim in the ocean every day. He plans to sleep asleep in a real bed," she told reporters.

"He plans to taste real food and he plans to enjoy his freedom."

Ms Assange recounted the heartfelt moment her children learned their father had won his freedom, but said they were waiting to be reunited as a family together.

"We want to do it when we're in the same place," she said.

"I am obviously here and the kids were asleep when he arrived last night, it still hasn't happened yet.

"They were very excited when they found out that daddy was coming home.

"I managed to send the video of them reacting and jumping on the sofa to Julian while he was in Saipan, and he was very, very pleased."

Hours after pleading guilty to espionage at a US court on the Pacific island of Saipan - Assange was free - but not ready to face the public.

"I ask you - please - to give us space, to give us privacy, to find our place, to let our family be a family before he can speak again at a time of his choosing," Ms Assange said as tears welled in her eyes.

With AAP.