
Couple Slammed After Inviting Wedding Guests To Attend ‘In Spirit’

A couple has received major backlash after they invited guests to attend “in spirit”, with many believing it to be a greedy ploy to get people to gift money.

Everyone knows that weddings are expensive these days, with the average wedding in Australia setting back couples anywhere from $36,000 to $51,000, according to ASIC’s Moneysmart website.

So it’s not surprising to discover that people will get creative when trying to find ways to save money on their nuptials.

One bride-to-be shared her unconventional invitation to a wedding planning Facebook group, asking members to share their thoughts on it.

“With their families, [bride] and [groom] are getting hitched,” the invitation read. “Private ceremony. Please join us in spirit.”

People rushed to the comments, with many sharing they thought the invitation was “tacky” and a ploy to get more money from guests without having to spend money on having them present at the ceremony.

“There is no reason to send a ‘you’re not invited’ announcement unless it’s because they expect gifts,” one person commented.

“This isn’t even a virtual ceremony? It’s just tacky,” one person wrote, while another told the couple to “stop being so f**king greedy.”

To top it all off, the invitation had a typo, asking people to please join them in “spirt.”

“I don’t know if I can be there in spirt though,” one person wrote.

“I cackled entirely too hard at ‘spirt’,” another commented.