In 2021, the epic clash between Brain and Brawn saw a member of the Brain tribe take out the title of Sole Survivor.
Now, for the tenth season of Australian Survivor, a rematch has been set, and once again we'll see if the mentally strong can outplay the physically strong in the world's greatest game when it returns on Monday, February 17 on 10 and 10 Play.
Hosted by Jonathan LaPaglia, Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn will test our 24 castaways, and ultimately only one will earn the glory of winning the title, and the life-changing cash prize of $500,000.
Meet the full cast for Season 10 of Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn.
AJ, Poker Champion

A Survivor superfan, AJ has his sights set on making a big impact on the game. Addicted to games and winning since he was a teen, AJ thinks his poker skills will give him the upper hand when it comes to deception and working out who is playing who.
"I want to be remembered as the best Survivor player ever," AJ explained. "Not, not just in Australia. I really want to be the most fun, entertaining, strategic, everything. I want it all together. I want to be that Survivor player that is just undisputed the best."
Ally, AI Expert

Having spent years proving herself in a male-dominated tech world, Ally is used to being underestimated. Hailing from a small North Queensland town where she lives with her pet rescue kangaroo, Ally describes herself as "true blue to the core".
"My fighting word to the Brawns is you can have all the muscle in the world but if you don’t know how to use the muscle in your head? No hope, brother.”
Indy, Business Development Manager

Business manager by day and stand-up comedian by night, Indy is driven, unapologietic and extremely competitive. "On a scale of one to crazy competitive, I'm probably psycho," she said. "I don't actually want to be. I'd really like to be less competitive, but when it comes to this game I am so excited and ready to play."
When it comes to her social game, Indy said her life experience of feeling like an outsider will be her secret weapon. "I’m a black Muslim bisexual who grew up in Townsville. I’ve been voted out of tribes my entire life. I’m ready for this."
Kaelan, PhD Student

Don't be fooled by his physique, Kaelan may have grown up playing rugby, surfing and becomming a pro stand up paddleboarer but the ex-engineer and PhD student's ability to float between both tribes is how he will get to the end game.
"People often misconceive me based on my appearance and the way I talk. If I’m with the Brawn tribe, I'm going to be talking about footy and sport, and then with the Brain tribe, I can talk about literature, get a bit deeper."
Karin, Doctor

Working in orthopaedic surgery, Karin helps surgeons, describing her role as "the dude that's holding things apart so the doctor can do the fixing". Her experience working 36-hour shifts with no sleep, no food, and competitive doctors trying to outsmart each other has been the perfect training for Survivor.
"I just want to do something that's different. I've had every part of my life planned for the last 30 years," Karin said. "Not a single thing has gone wrong, and everything I've wanted to happen has happened. And that's because I like planning, I like control, I like having everything organised in front of me. And this is so left field of anything I've ever done."
Kent, Business Mogul

Starting his day at 4.40am to hit the gym before catching up on the news and then starting his day running a worldwide corporation, Kent is used to winning. A 25-year fan of the show, Kent wants to take inspiration from David Genat.
"The Golden God, just the way he played, the way he was possessed by Idols. He was great to watch," Kent said. His business acumen will also come in handy when it's time to negotiate with his tribemates. "I’m full of love and going to give so much to my tribe but at the same time, I’m going to be happy to cut their throats. This is a game. This is Survivor."
Laura, Witch

With a collection of over 250 crystals, daily spell casting, and manifesting Laura also describes herself as a witch because she's a woman who knows what she wants and wants to take back the stigma in the title. “I come across really hippy dippy and my tribemates will see me as sweet and curious, but this sugar has her bite and I’m not afraid to use it.”
Combining her ability to read people's energies and auras, Laura is also an actor and hopes her skills in performance mean she'll be able to fool her tribemates and get people to do what she wants. The Survivor superfan also has 3D printed puzzles and recreated challenges in her backyard. This witch has done her homework.
Logan, AFL WAG

Logan's husband may play football for the Western Bulldogs making her a WAG, but she wants to show the world she's more than that. Studying a Bachelor of Business with a major in marketing, the mum of two is diving into Survivor to do something for herself.
"I’ve pretty much given up my 20’s to have kids. I had my daughter at 22, my son at 25 and been with my husband since I was 20. I don’t regret anything, and I love my life but it’s time to do something for me," she explained. "There are three different parts of me. There’s the WAG wife, the mum and then there’s Logan and Logan doesn’t get enough attention. I’m ready for it to be Logan’s time."
Max, Primary School Teacher

"I know this game, I’ve been watching with my Dad since I was a kid," Max said. "People might think I’m always joking around but I’m calculated and I will be out here. I put this fun energy out for a reason and to bring up tribe morale but the truth is I’m five steps ahead of everyone."
Ticking off his bucket list item of playing Survivor, Max is also confronting his fear of having a crab crawl over his face while he's sleeping, but it's a risk he's willin to take to get the chance to outplay his opponents and prove "What's inside our head is gonna get you a lot further than any muscles on your arms".
Myles, Financial Analyst

A lover of Survivor and a lover of statistics, Myles believes he wouldn't fit on the Brawn tribe, "All I care about is brain... I love statistics. I love running statistics, learning statistics, using statistics," he explained. "I’m going to be taking every problem on analytically. I’ll be approaching each Tribal after crunching the numbers and finding my best path forward."
And while Myles isn't the biggest fan of roughing it in the elements, he's willing to do what it takes to make the most of the experience. "I'm going to be drawing on is the fact that I'm on Survivor, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Things may suck, but they're sucking on Survivor. And you just can't beat that."
Rich, Film Director

Working with some of the biggest actors, Rich sees Survivor as his own personal Oscars. "What I love about Survivor is the ability for a player to play a big move and stop a nation watching on their TVs. I love that feeling. It's tuning in for that one person that had the balls to go and take this person down."
While he may be buff for a brain, Rich knows he's on the right tribe because of his love of creativity. "Some people have a calculator in their mind, mine is a paintbrush," he explained.
Zara, VP of the PTA

The mum of six-year-old twins and a ten-year-old, Zara describes herself as the CEO of her household. She's the Vice President of the PTA and has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Economics in International Finance, as well as being a qualified solicitor and financial planner.
With an array of skills in her arsenal, Zara is well-equipped to handle her tribemates. "The strategies that you have to use to manage the PTA are always being open to everyone’s opinions and trying to make sure whatever they are voicing, they are heard and I will give everybody in the tribe a voice."
Ben, Stonemason

A dad to three teenagers, stonemason Ben finds his calm moments fishing, boxing, and through breathwork. And while Survivor has been a bucket list item for him, it isn't just about the money and the glory of winning the title of Sole Survivor. "it’s the challenge of competing in the ultimate human experiment. The real life Jumanji!
"My plan on Survivor is to get answers from people. I won’t be locked into one strategy as Survivor is a malleable game, but if I can get what I need out of people then it will make it all a lot easier."
Candy, Model

Despite being on the Brawn tribe, Candy has a point to prove saying, "I grew up dyslexic. I wanted to prove to myself that it wouldn’t hold me back, so I got a literature degree. It was a very expensive attempt to prove it to myself."
A country girl from WA, Candy worked on farms and in wineries growing up and has since persued her dreams of becomming a model. "You must put up with a lot of stuff or else you won’t get hired again. You can be mentally and physically tired, getting accidentally pinned by a tailor or someone burns you with a curling wand, you just get on with it. And that’s what I’ll do on Survivor."
Jesse, Pro Skater

Hoping to bring the good vibes to the tribe, Jesse hopes his personality disarms the other players enough so he can let his strategic side run free. "I want to make the tribe laugh. I want everyone to have fun. I want to take the edge out of situations to get people more relaxed and chilled. And then I want to make some moves and be a little cheeky."
A professional skateboarder who runs his own business that teaches people of all abilities and disabilities how to skate, Jesse doesn't mind if his fellow castaways judge him based on his appearance. "I have a successful business, I have a house, a beautiful family and support myself fully from my own business. I’m definitely smarter than people think."
Kate, Dancer/DJ

Waltzing onto the beach in denim and rhinestones, Kate hopes people make snap judgements about her on the first day. "My whole outfit is just to look like a girly girl. I think they are gonna get the wrong perception, I think they're not gonna think that I'm here for the right reasons which is totally fine with me. "
Kate also has OCD, and while it can be mentally draining and physically demanding, it has also given her an enormous amount of strength and resilience. "My OCD is something that really, really causes a bit of hardship on my life... My perception of Brawn is my mental strength. It sometimes takes me 10 goes to pick up a drink or sitting down on my bed can sometimes take me a whole hour. But I push through, and I won’t let it stop me."
Kristin, Aviation Fire Fighter

Kristin is used to working under pressure, as an Aviation Fire Fighter she's on call to respond to any emergencies at the airport from first aid to fuel spills to accidents and water rescue. "We are ready and willing to respond to anything. I love my job because it doesn't feel like a job. Every day you're rocking up at work and you don't know what you're going to be doing," she explained.
"I'll be utilising many of my workplace skills. Knowing how to relate to people, knowing how to act on my feet, working under pressure and just being physical."
Morgan, Olympic Sprinter

Morgan has been racing since 2012 and made three World Championships, two Commonwealth Games and two Olympics. Her strength and resilience will be a huge asset to her tribe, as will her social game.
"There’s Olympic Morgan who will help win challenges. Then there’s Social Morgan who is fun and chatting to everyone. But they’ll both know when to take a backstep and went to be front and centre."
Nash, Salesman

Salesman Nash embodies the Brawn spirit through his confidence, something that comes in handy in his line of work. "I've got the determination. The right mind and the character. I'm a very social person so working with people works well to my advantage," he said.
A smiling assassin, Nash hopes to use his charm to make it near impossible for his tribemates to read his true intentions. "I mean, when I'm always smiling, you're not gonna tell whether I'm part of your alliance or not. I'm just gonna be telling you what you want to hear and with my confidence and with my charm you're gonna believe everything I say."
Noonan (Laura), Footy Fanatic

Coming from a family of well-known personalities in her home of the Mornington Peninsula Laura or Noonan or Noons is ready to make a name for herself. "Everyone knows my family and then there’s me and nobody knows who I am unless you come down to the footy club," she said.
"People are shocked when I say I’m Laura Noonan and there’s a fourth Noonan, not just the boys. I felt like I didn’t contribute much to the family name and any function, people thought I was the hired help. For a long time, Survivor has been my identity -- the Noonan that’s obsessed with Survivor. People would joke about it and now, sitting here, who’s laughing now?"
Paulie, Paramedic

"For my job, I must connect with people quickly and make them feel at ease," Paulie said. "I’ve been doing this job for so long that the skills I’ve obtained from it are part of my everyday life and I think will help me on Survivor."
While his high-pressure job has given him a toolbox of skills that will come in handy in the game, roughing it in the elements may be more of a challenge. "I’m a city boy. I like my city stuff. I go on vacation, but I’ve never lived in an environment like this! I’ve slept on a beach a few times, sure that’s cute but this is going to be hard."
PD (Paul), NPL Football Head Coach

While he's playing the game of Survivor, PD has a shocking confession: "Please don't tell my family this, but I will miss my dog, Rocky, the most out of everybody back home."
The dad of two is a salesman for a brewery by day and soccer coach by night. Prior to coaching, PD played for the National Soccer League and represented Australia, and hopes that his skills in team management will come in handy when dealing with his tribe. "I've always got plan A and plan B. Now, plan A is our game plan, but plan B is to do plan A even better. So, we aren't gonna lose."
Ursula, Powerlifter

When it comes to brawn, fitness and nutrition coach and powerlifter Ursula is the embodiment of physical and mental strength. Ultimately she's the most concerned about being too honest with her tribemates. "It's gotten me into trouble a few times, but I just prefer to be honest. If people can't handle it, that's not my problem."
While her honesty could be an issue, Ursula is looking forward to the socail side of the game saying, "I’m funny. I have a very dry sense of humour and am loud and bubbly when I want to be.”
Zen, Hip Hop Artist

The youngest of the tribemates this season, Zen is thrilled at the opportunity to put his fast-paced lifestyle on pause and be at one with nature and living in the moment. "Probably the hardest part of the game for me, personally, is going to be having to allow someone else to take control," he said.
"Having to hide the testosterone levels and simmer down the level of intelligence and play, not dumb, but play under and allow someone to take the leadership position. This will be the hardest part."
Australian Survivor: Brains V Brawn premieres Monday, Feb 17 on 10 and 10 Play.