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- Steps
- Ingredients
Rice Pudding Mousse
Vegemite Caramel
Pineapple And Lime Compote
Almond and Sourdough Croustillant
Vegemite Jar Spray
Vegemite Jar and Bread Shells
Vegemite Lid and Label
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- Preheat oven to 160°C fan-forced.
- Line 2 baking trays with paper.
Rice Pudding Mousse
- For the Rice Pudding Mousse, place 160ml water into a small saucepan with the rice. Bring to the boil and cook on medium-low for 8 minutes, or until al dente.
- Add the coconut puree, whole milk and vanilla bean. Continue cooking for another 8 minutes on low, to infuse the rice and until fully cooked.
- Add the gelatine to the rice and stir to combine. Set aside to cool to 30°C.
- Meanwhile, whip the cream to soft peaks before folding into the cooled rice. Place the mixture in a piping bag and set aside in the fridge for assembly.
Vegemite Caramel
- For the Vegemite Caramel, combine the cream and vanilla in a small saucepan and bring to the boil over medium heat. Allow to infuse for 5 minutes before removing the vanilla beans.
- In another saucepan, make a dry caramel from the sugar and when fine bubbles form on the surface of the caramel, deglaze with the hot infused cream. Bring to a boil then remove from heat, add the butter, vegemite and charcoal powder and blend with a stick blender.
- Allow to cool slightly before placing into a piping bag and set aside for assembly.
Pineapple And Lime Compote
- For the Pineapple and Lime Compote, place the pineapple, butter and sugar (a) in a saucepan. Cook on medium-high heat for 8-10 minutes until caramelised and golden. Add the pineapple puree, lime juice, zest and vanilla bean and cook for approximately 1 minute.
- Combine the pectin with the raw sugar (b) and stream into the saucepan while whisking vigorously. Bring to the boil and cook until all the sugar has dissolved. Set aside to cool before place into a piping bag, ready for assembly.
Almond and Sourdough Croustillant
- For the Almond and Sourdough Croustillant, dice the sourdough into 15mm croutons and place on a lined baking tray. Cook in the oven for 40 minutes until crispy and brown.
- Prepare a praline by toasting the almonds on another baking tray in the oven for approximately 15 minutes.
- In a small saucepan, heat the sugar on medium-high heat to make a dry caramel. Cook until golden amber and pour over the toasted almonds.
- Allow to praline to cool for 10 minutes then place into a high-powered blender. Process for 3-4 minutes until it forms a paste. You may need to scrape down the bowl several times.
- Melt the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl, heating in 15-30 second increments. Add 130g of the praline paste and combine.
- Lightly crush the croutons with the back of a knife and add to the bowl. Mix well.
- Transfer the mixture to a lined baking tray and place a piece of baking paper over the top. Using your hands, spread the mixture evenly to 5mm thick. Remove the top layer of baking paper, sprinkle with salt and place in the fridge to set.
- When set, cut several discs, slightly smaller than the diameter of the lid mould. Break up the remaining croustillant into 2cm size pieces and set aside.
Vegemite Jar Spray
- For the Vegemite Jar Spray, combine the ingredients in a microwave proof bowl, and melt at 30 second increments until 27-29°C. Blend with a stick mixer to emulsify.
- Place the mixture into the cannister of a spray gun and spray the inside of two jar moulds so that they are evenly coated. Turn upside down and allow to set.
Vegemite Jar and Bread Shells
- For the Vegemite Jar and Bread Shells, place chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Microwave in 15-30 second intervals until 50% of the chocolate is melted. Work the chocolate with a spatula until smooth and shiny, and the temperature has reduced to 28-29°C.
- To make the jar moulds, take one of the sprayed moulds and fill with the tempered chocolate. Tap out the air bubbles by tapping the mould on the bench. Allow the chocolate to set for 1 minute then invert the mould over the bowl, allowing all excess chocolate to drip away. Still inverted, scrape the edge of the mould to create clean edges. The shell should be about 5mm thick. Leave the mould inverted at room temperature to set.
- Repeat with the other side of the jar. Repeat the process with the bread mould.
- Once set, place the moulds the fridge for 20 minutes before unmoulding.
- When ready to assemble, clean and dry the base of a saucepan. Remove the moulds from the fridge and gently remove the chocolate shells from the moulds.
- Heat the base of a saucepan on a cooktop over a medium heat. Holding the jar shells gently, place the edges on the hot saucepan base and stick together until they set to form a jar.
- Then, invert the jar upside down and place the top of the jar on the hot pan base to melt it off. This should reveal an empty vessel, ready to be filled.
Vegemite Lid and Label
- For the Vegemite Lid and Label, cut a rectangle of acetate that is 4.5cm in height and the correct length to wrap around the jar.
- Place the acetate collar on a board. Transfer the pre-printed, edible Vegemite label on the middle of the acetate sheet.
- Combine the ingredients together in a bowl and mix until evenly combined.
- Using a spatula, spread a 1.5mm layer of the chocolate mixture evenly over the acetate sheet.
- Whilst the chocolate is still soft, curve the collar around the jar into the correct position so that the chocolate adheres to the jar and the edges of the collar join. Allow to set before gently removing the acetate.
- To make the lid, fill the lid mould with the tempered chocolate. Tap out the air bubbles by tapping the mould on the bench. Allow the chocolate to set for 1-2 minutes then invert the mould over a piece of baking paper. This will dislodge the excess chocolate to leave you with a shell. While still inverted, scrape the mould to remove any excess chocolate, then leave to set upside down, at room temperature.
- Once set, place in the fridge for 20 minutes before unmoulding.
To Assemble
- Pipe 70g of rice pudding mousse into the base of the jar then place 5-6 pieces of croustillant on top.
- Pipe 90g of the pineapple compote followed by another 70g of the mousse. Finish with a disc of croustillant and a 5mm layer of Vegemite caramel.
- Fill the toast mould with the pieces of croustillant, and seal with a layer of the yellow tempered chocolate.