Nicole Stevenson

Nicole Stevenson

Queensland, 24, Medical Secretary

Inspired by a range of chefs and cooks including Kylie Kwong, Heston Blumenthal, Luke Nguyen, Jamie Oliver and Adam Liaw, Nicole says she has been cooking in the kitchen as long as she can remember.

Born in Ipswich, Queensland, where her father worked at the local RAAF base, Nicole lived with her family in the tight-knit community until she was 22. Inspired by her Dutch family, Nicole says it was her mother and Oma who taught her how to cook in the kitchen.

After finishing high school, Nicole was accepted to study Dietetics and Nutrition at the University of the Sunshine Coast. She deferred, however, after she secured a medical administrative role with a cardiologist. Since then she has moved to a similar role with a bariatric surgery clinic in Brisbane, a role she describes as rewarding, seeing patients six months after having life-changing weight-loss surgery.

It is her passion for healthy eating and nutrition which drives Nicole to create fresh and healthy food with hearty flavours in the kitchen. She loves to cook big and bold tastes, with favoured cuisines including Vietnamese, Italian and Mexican.

The youngest of three children, Nicole describes a solo trek across Poon Hill in Nepal at 21 as one of her greatest achievements. Together with her partner Henry, Nicole says their backpacking holiday across Asia at the end of 2015 was one of the best times of her life. A passion for travel has also seen her road trip around the US and trek across Vietnam, Sri Lanka and parts of Europe.

Outside of the kitchen, Nicole loves to draw and paint.