
Coffee and Peanut Paris Brest

Serves 4
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Pre-heat oven to 200°C.
  • For the Pate-a-Choux, combine water, milk and butter in a medium saucepan over a medium heat.
  • When butter has fully melted, remove from heat and add flour all at once, stirring vigorously until full combined.
  • Return saucepan to medium heat and mix until the dough comes away from the edges and forms a ball, around 2 minutes.
  • Transfer dough to the bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with a paddle attachment. Mix on low speed for 2 minutes or until the dough is no longer hot.
  • Increase stand mixer speed to medium and add eggs one by one, waiting for the dough to recombine before adding the next.
  • Transfer the dough to a piping bag fitted with a ½ inch round tip and place in fridge for 5 minutes.
  • Line 2 large baking trays with baking paper, dot a small amount of dough in each corner of the baking paper to adhere the paper to the trays.
  • Holding the pastry bag vertically over the baking paper, pipe at least 4 wreaths of dough 15cm in diameter.
  • Transfer to the oven and bake for 15 minutes, then reduce oven temperature to 180°C and bake for a further 15 minutes. Do not open the oven door at any point.
  • Once cooked, turn off oven and allow to cool for 10 minutes inside the warm oven. Then transfer to a wire rack and allow to cool for another 10 minutes. Set aside to serve.
  • For the Coffee Mousseline, combine 200ml of milk and coffee beans in a large saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a slight simmer then remove from heat.
  • Meanwhile, whisk together sugar, cornflour and egg yolks together in a bowl until pale.
  • Strain the coffee infused milk into a jug, discard coffee beans. Add a third of the milk into the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly while adding. Whisk for 20 seconds. Add the remaining milk, whisking constantly.
  • Return the mixture to the same saucepan. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until pastry cream begins to thicken, about 5 minutes.
  • Once thick, place on a large baking tray and press a layer of cling wrap over the top to prevent a skin forming and place in the fridge for 15 minutes or until cool.
  • Meanwhile, add butter to a mixing bowl and using a hand mixer, whip until pale and fluffy, about 2 minutes.
  • Remove coffee cream from fridge and stir to loosen. Add a third of the mixture to the whipped butter. Beat with a hand mixer on medium speed for 10 seconds. Add remaining coffee cream and beat for 30 seconds.
  • Combine remaining 90ml milk with coffee grounds in a small saucepan over medium heat. Once hot, turn off heat and allow grounds to infuse for 5 minutes.
  • Strain milk through a cheesecloth into a shallow container and transfer to the freezer to cool for 5 minutes. Once cool, add milk to coffee mousseline and beat on medium speed to incorporate.
  • Transfer mousseline to a piping bag fitted with a ½ inch star tip and set aside in fridge for plating.
  • To make the Peanut Praline Paste, add peanuts to a fry pan and lightly roast for 5 minutes over high heat, stirring occasionally.
  • Add sugar to a saucepan over high heat and allow caramel to form. Move the saucepan in a circular motion to fully combine sugar.
  • When all sugar crystals have dissolved and the caramel is a deep amber colour, add peanuts to the saucepan and combine with wooden spoon.
  • Spread the caramel coated peanuts over a baking tray lined with a silicon mat. Transfer to the freezer to cool for 10 minutes.
  • Once cool and solid, break into shards and add to a food processor. Blend for 10 minutes on high or until a thin paste is achieved. If the praline is not turning to liquid, add vegetable oil 1-2 tablespoon at a time, blending for 2 minutes after each.
  • Transfer praline paste to a piping bag fitted with a ¼ -inch round tip and set aside at room temperature fridge for plating.
  • To serve, carefully slice the pate-a-choux in half horizontally. Set the top aside.
  • Pipe the praline paste around the choux twice. Over the praline paste, pipe a generous amount of coffee mousseline around the choux once.
  • Return the top of the choux and dust with icing sugar to finish.

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