
Cinder Fillet, Tulip Bulbs, Port Jus and New Life Greens

Serves 6
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Preheat oven to 180C.
  • For the Port Jus, place a large fry pan over high heat. Add beef bones, beef trimmings and wagyu fat. Cook until dark golden brown, about 7 – 8 minutes. Add onion and garlic to pan and cook, stirring often, until softened and golden, about 5 minutes. Add port to deglaze the pan, reduce heat and simmer until liquid is reduced by half. Add veal stock, beef stock powder and 1 cup water and simmer until liquid has reduced, about 20 minutes. Once reduced, strain the sauce through a fine sieve lined with muslin. Transfer the strained sauce into a clean saucepan, place on a low heat and simmer gently until reduced to approximately 150ml. Once reduced, remove from heat, cover and set aside until ready to serve.
  • For the Cinder Fillet, prepare a brine with salt and 1 L warm water in a large bowl and mix until salt has dissolved. Submerge eye fillet in the brine and set aside for 30-40 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, in a separate bowl place mirin, pepper and charcoal powder and mix well to create a glaze. Remove beef from brine and pat dry thoroughly with paper towel. With a pastry brush, coat fillet with glaze generously. Place into a shallow roasting tray and roast in the pre-heated oven for 10 minutes. Turn fillet, return to the oven and continue to roast until internal temperature reaches 50C for medium rare, about 5 – 7 minutes, or longer until cooked to your liking. Remove fillet from oven and set aside, loosely covered in foil, to rest.
  • Cut fillet into 6 even portions. Set aside, keeping warm and loosely covered in foil, until ready to serve.
  • For the Balsamic Baby Beetroot, combine balsamic vinegar, sugar, salt and 100ml water in a small saucepan. Heat, stirring, until sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat.
  • Using a mandolin, thinly slice beetroots and place into saucepan of pickling liquid, ensuring beetroots are fully submerged in the liquid. Set aside to pickle for 20 minutes. Once pickled, drain on paper towel and set aside until ready to serve.
  • For the Cauliflower and Black Garlic Purée, bring a medium saucepan of salted water to the boil. Add cauliflower and boil until softened. Drain the cauliflower and return to the empty saucepan. Add the butter and black garlic and return to a medium heat. Cook, scraping base of saucepan with a silicone spatula, until cauliflower is golden, about 6 – 7 minutes. Transfer cooked cauliflower to a blender or the canister of a stick blender. Blitz until a smooth Purée and pass through a fine sieve. Transfer the purée to a small bowl, season to taste and set aside, keeping warm, until ready to serve.
  • For the Tulip Bulbs, peel bulbs and place into a small saucepan and cover with cold water. Place on high heat and boil for 20 minutes. One boiled, remove saucepan from heat and remove bulbs from the water, retaining the water in the saucepan. Remove the tough outer layers from tulip bulbs then return to the saucepan of water and set aside until needed.
  • For the New Life Greens, place onion skins on a flat baking tray lined with baking paper and place in the pre-heated oven until dry, about 5 minutes. Remove from oven and set aside until needed. Trim the nasturtium and baby beetroot leaves from the stems and place leaves in a bowl. Add lemon juice and olive oil to the bowl and toss well to coat. Set aside until ready to serve.
  • To finish the Tulip Bulbs, melt wagyu fat in a separate small saucepan. Drain the tulip bulbs well and dry on paper towel. Cut the bulbs in half, add to the saucepan of wagyu fat and stir gently to coat. Remove from saucepan, season to taste and set aside until ready to serve.
  • To serve, spread Cauliflower and Black Garlic Purée in middle of each plate. At one end, place a small amount of Port Jus and top with a portion of Cinder Fillet. Swirl a spoonful of Port Jus around each plate. At the other end of purée, using tweezers, place beet leaves and nasturtium leaves. Sprinkle some finger lime pulp on top of the greens on each plate. Cover greens with dried onion skin. Place one slice of Balsamic Baby Beet near the onion skin and place a half baby beet slice to the right of the onion skin. Place 2 Tulip Bulb halves on the plates. Using a blow torch, ignite the onion skins on each plate and serve immediately.

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