47, Queen of Survivor, USA
Sandra is a two-time US Survivor winner and now she is ready to take on Australian Survivor and defend her international Survivor throne. Sassy and outspoken and having been a part of US Survivor five times, she is excited to be playing with a family member for the very first time.
While she might be the Queen, Sandra has never played Survivor: Blood V Water and is hoping not to impact Nina’s game. Sandra says: “I’m set in my ways but having Nina out there will remind me, ‘Sandra, tone it down.’ It’s a whole different game, it’s a whole different place, it’s a whole different theme so I can’t be the same Sandra as before.”
What will be your strength?
My strength on Australian Survivor will be my social game. I can pretty much find something in common with everyone. I can be a good friend to those that are interested in getting to know me.
What will be your weakness?
My weakness has always been my lack of being a physically dominant player at challenges and my reluctance with water challenges, although I can swim.