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Just moments before heading to Tribal Council, Karin found out her neck was on the chopping block.
Paulie reflects on playing from the bottom, and the ‘snake oil salesman’ reputation that tanked his game.
After a relatively smooth start to the game, losing his number one ally spelled the end for the pro skateboarder.
From ruling the Coven to ruling the jury bench, Laura’s time in the game may be done but her influence is just getting started.
While the dust is still settling on the newly merged tribe, Myles and AJ continue to cause chaos.
Hobbling over to JLP with an ankle injury, throwing her hands in the air and crying out, her final words echoed throughout tribal council.
Max sadly joins a group of Survivor players who leave the game with the game's most valuable item still in his possession.
The pair had butted heads from the very beginning of the game, but Ursula says she and Noonan still have unfinished business.
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