
InTalian Simmer Sauce, Meatballs and Naan with Oregano Chilli Butter

Serves 2L Sauce, Meatballs Serves 2
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Heat oil in a large fry pan on a medium-high heat. Add the onions and whole Kashmiri chillies. Cook until the onions start to colour. Add the chopped garlic and ginger. Stir and continue cooking for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, tomato paste, green chilli, coriander and parsley, and simmer for a further 10 minutes and until the tomatoes are softened and the oil starts to separate from the mixture. Add fresh basil with the herbs and spices. Cook the spices until fragrant. Add 500ml of water and bring to a simmer. Cook for a further 1-2 minutes until the oil starts to separate. Remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes before transferring to a jug or a stick mixer cannister, blend with a stick mixer for 1-2 minutes until a thick, simmer sauce consistency. Pour sauce back into the pan and add milk, season with salt and sugar. Stir until combined. Finish the sauce with the lime juice for balance. For the Meatballs, place pork and beef mince in a bowl with garlic, parsley, coriander, salt and dried herbs and spices. Mix well to combine and shape into six meatballs.
  • Heat oil in a medium frypan on a medium-high heat and add the meatballs. Turn in the oil and cook for 3-4 minutes until they are well browned on all sides.
  • Add Sumeet’s Intalian Simmer Sauce with water. Cover and simmer on a medium heat for 10-12 minutes, until meat is cooked through.
  • To make the Naan, bloom the yeast by mixing with warm water and sugar in a small bowl. Cover and leave for 10 minutes, until foamy.
  • In another small bowl, combine the egg and milk together.
  • Mix the flour and salt together in a large bowl and add the wet ingredients to the flour. With a spatula, stir to combine and then bring together with your hands until a dough forms. You may need to wet your hands with water to bring the dough together if it is a little dry. No kneading is required, the dough should be soft.
  • Leave to rise in a greased bowl, covered, for at least 20 minutes in a warm space until almost doubled in size.
  • When proved, divide the dough into 6 equal pieces. Roll into smooth balls.
  • Lay each ball on a lightly greased tray with enough space between them to allow to them to rise. Cover and prove for another 15 minutes in a warm position.
  • Meanwhile, to make the Oregano Chilli Garlic Butter, place butter in a microwave proof bowl and microwave until very soften but not melted. Then mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl. Set aside until naan are cooked.
  • When bread has finished second proving, flatten each ball and stretch into a larger round. Then start to stretch one end to form a triangular naan shape.
  • Pat a ¼ tsp of nigella seeds onto the surface of each naan.
  • Heat a heavy based fry pan on a high heat gas flame. Lightly wet the underside of the naan and stick it, wet side down on the hot skillet.
  • Cook until bubbles appear on the surface of the naan. Then flip the fry pan upside down and allow the nigella seeded side of the naan to char on the open flame for a few minutes. The bread should stick to the pan. Be careful not to burn it and move the skillet around to avoid the burning. When cooked, generously smear the oregano butter on both sides of the bread.
  • To serve, garnish meatballs with fresh basil and coriander leaves and a swirl of cream. Serve with naan.

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