
Glazed Beef Cheeks with Jerusalem Artichokes

Serves Serves 6
  • Steps
  • Ingredients


  • Place 1 tablespoon olive oil in a frypan and set over high heat. Season beef cheeks and add to frypan. Cook until browned on each side. Remove from frypan and place in a pressure cooker. Add stock and cook until tender, about 75 minutes. Turn pressure cooker off and allow to cool in stock. Alternatively, place 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large flameproof casserole and set over high heat. Add seasoned beef cheeks and cook until browned on each side. Add stock bring to a boil. Cover with a tight fitting lid, reduce heat to low and allow to simmer very gently until tender, about 3 hours. Add approximately ½ cup more stock or water, if necessary. Remove from heat and allow to cool in stock. Remove beef cheeks from stock, reserving stock and set aside.
  • To make the glaze, place 1 tablespoon olive oil in a saucepan and set over high heat. Add the beef bones and cook until dark brown. Add the onion, celery, carrot, mushroom and mandarin peel cook until deep golden brown. Add vinegar, port and wine and simmer until reduced by half. Add vegemite and stock from cooking beef cheeks and simmer for about 75 minutes or until thick and syrupy. Strain into a clean saucepan and set aside.
  • Preheat oven to 180C.
  • Place onions in a small baking tray with 20 grams butter and olive oil. Bake in oven until tender, basting frequently, about 30-35 minutes. Meanwhile, place vinegar and sugar in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until reduced and slightly thickened. Add 25g butter to the vinegar and whisk to combine. Pour buttered vinegar over cooked onions and toss gently to combine. Cover and set aside, keeping warm.
  • For the puree, peel and grate artichokes into a small saucepan. Add onion, garlic and 1 tablespoon water. Cover with lid and cook over low heat for 15 minutes or until tender. Transfer to a blender and add butter and milk and puree until smooth. Season and pass through a sieve. Transfer to a small saucepan, cover and set aside, keeping warm.
  • To make the artichoke chips, heat oil for frying to 160C. Peel and slice artichokes very thinly, using a mandoline. Add slices to hot oil and fry until golden, about 5 minutes. Remove chips from oil and drain on paper towel. Season with salt while still warm and set aside.
  • To serve, gently reheat glaze and place beef cheeks in to warm through. Reheat puree, if necessary, then divide between plates. Top with glazed beef cheeks, onions, chips, nasturtium leaves, chive flowers, mandarin zest and chocolate shavings.

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