Theresa Visintin

Theresa Visintin

New South Wales, 44, Mum

Theresa brings a very worldly view and palate to this year’s competition. Theresa was born in Singapore before moving to Toronto, Canada, and to then Australia at age 10, later living in Western Australia for six years. Currently, she and her family are based in Vancouver, Canada, for her husband’s work.

With a very large extended family in Australia, the Wongs settled straight in to Aussie life in the early 1980s, living above the restaurant they ran in Collaroy Beach on Sydney’s northern beaches.

Alongside older brothers Jimmy – also a MasterChef Australia contender this year – and Dennis and younger brother Lawrence, Theresa witnessed the hard work it takes to make it in the hospitality trade, as dad and mum ran various local grocery stores and restaurants.

After studying graphic design and fine arts, Theresa was working as a freelance designer when she met the love of her life, Daniel, at age 18. They married when Theresa was 21. Putting her career on hold for a time to raise her family, Theresa is mum to one daughter and two sons. Daniel’s Italian background has meant Theresa has learnt a lot about cooking Italian food over the years and has been inspired in the kitchen by both her mother and mother-in-law.

With her dream to combine her love of both the food and entertainment industries, Theresa would one day love to work on a television food project where she can share her insights on how to elevate the art of dining in; she would love to share tips and ideas to make sharing food with family and friends more fun and exciting.

Looking to idols like Jamie Oliver, Heston Blumenthal, Daniel Humm, Nigella Lawson, Massimo Bottura and Donna Hay for inspiration, Theresa is strapping herself in to soak up all the knowledge that MasterChef Australia will throw her way.