Dust off your magnifying glass and warm up your vocals because it's almost time to shout those three magical words at your TV: TAKE IT OFF!
Yep, returning very soon, The Masked Singer Australia has just revealed the 12 new masks competing in Season 2.
Who could forget Cody Simpson dressed up like an adorable futuristic robot taking out the top prize last year.
While we loved seeing the Spider, Lion, Dragon and even that giant pirate Prawn take to the stage to baffle us with mysterious clues and belt out some red hot tunes, get ready to meet your new masks.
This year we'll be seeing The Dragonfly, The Hammerhead, The Kitten, The Wizard, The Frillneck, The Sloth, The Cactus, The Goldfish, The Bushranger, The Queen, The Puppet and The Echidna.
And, honestly, after seeing a giant Parrot take on the Hoodoo Gurus we are absolutely thrilled to imagine exactly what it's going to look like when a Goldfish takes the stage to perform.

Last year's celebs were a mix of professional singers, sports stars and a few complete surprises so ANYONE could be under those masks. We're already making lists and will be at-the-ready for any clues that will drop.
If you've really got a craving for some singing, dancing and -- of course -- stunningly wild masks, re-watch the magic of Season 1 of The Masked Singer Australia on 10 Play now!
Season 2 of The Masked Singer Australia is coming soon to Network 10, WIN Network and 10 Play.