
Scope Season 3 Episode 099 ENVIROSCOPE


EPISODE: 3/099 Enviroscope

Enviroscope: This episode of SCOPE is all about the environment: how we’re taking care of it and how it takes care of us. Dr Rob visits a recycling plant turning garbage into electricity, we discover how the Australian eucalypt is taking on the world and we learn how opals tell the tale of Australia’s geological past.

Ti Tree Recycling Plant: Dr Rob heads out to the Ti Tree Recycling plant to meet up with manager Bo Holmkvist to find out exactly how they turn garbage into electricity!

Designer Eucalyptus: These native trees are a common sight around Australia but Dr Kate Delaporte from the University of Adelaide is setting these plants up for the world stage.

DIY Science – Volcano: Volcanos are one of the most impressive phenomenon in the natural world. And now, with a little help from junior scientist Elizabeth, you too can recreate this explosive spectacle in your own home!

Watch this experiment now! Email us for experiment instructions!

Opal Formation: Opals are incredibly precious and 90% of the world supply comes from right here in Australia. And, as Ben McHenry from South Australia Museum explains, these gems tell us a lot about Australia’s rich geological past.

All that and more on a very eco-friendly episode of SCOPE; where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Watch Scope Season 3 Episode 099 ENVIROSCOPE now!