Taking on the role of Scott’s on-air bro Tyler Brennan, is twenty-three-year-old Bacchus Marsh born actor and model Travis Burns.
“Coincidently I have a nephew around the same the same age as Travis so that part was familiar when we were running scenes together but it's also quite different being the older brother,” said Scott.
While Neighbours marks Travis’s first Australian television role, his screen debut was in the USA CW Network action series SAFS which was filmed in Cape Town, South Aficia.
For Travis there is also an uncanny family link to the role, his six-year-old nephew’s name is Tyler.
“It felt like an omen when I was told the name of the character and my nephew is convinced the role is based on him,” said Travis who graduated with a Bachelor of Photographic Imaging in 2008 before becoming interested in acting.
Travis will be introduced on-air to viewers from February.
Scott takes on big brother role