
Mum requests other parents enforce iPad ban on flight

One mum caused a stir by forbidding her young son from using his iPad while on vacation and asking a fellow plane passenger to enforce a similar ban on their daughter.

In a post to the Am I The Asshole? Reddit page, the disgruntled plane passenger shared how their daughter had been using her iPad on a flight when the bizarre interaction took place.

"I was on a flight with my 3-year-old daughter, and there was a family sitting across from us with a kid that looked about the same age," the post reads. "The little boy noticed my daughter's iPad and was trying to get at it and started crying when the mom told him no."

"My daughter and I both put on headphones and were just blocking it out. The woman got my attention after a while and said that they weren't allowing their son to use his iPad on their vacation and would it be okay if my daughter put hers away, I said I was sorry but no."

The unidentified plane passenger went on to say that the young boy proceeded to cry for most of the two-hour flight, with his parents occasionally shooting the other passenger dirty looks. 

People flocked to the comments to voice their support for the passenger's decision, assuring them they had done nothing wrong, with one saying it was a situation of "not your circus, not your monkeys."

"It's incredibly entitled that the family even asked you to do this. They made a decision to go screen free on their holiday so they need to stand by their decision without making it anyone else's problem," said one person.  

Another declared the other parents had "purposely ruined everyone else's flight with that crying child".