
Furious Driver Calls Out 'Entitled' Parking Act

A shopper has blasted an entitled driver online after parking their Range Rover inches from his car, making it nearly impossible for the shopper to enter through his driver's seat door.

The incident occurred on Wednesday at a Coles car park in Newcastle, angering the shopper to the point of penning a note for the selfish parker and leaving it on their windscreen.

The note read: 'Next time don't be a c***head and park so close to a f***ing car!!!'

Sharing his response to the driver's park online, people flooded to the comments to share in the frustration of bad parking, with one saying that there's "entitlement everywhere."

Australians aren't shy when it comes to calling out bad car parking, with several Facebook groups dedicated to it.

One group named 'Melbourne Crap Drivers and Parkers' has more than 100,000 members on the platform.

It often leads to heated debates over who is to blame; however, when it came to this particular incident, the story was cut and dried, with commenters saying it would be extremely difficult for the shopper to squeeze between the cars to the driver's seat without causing damage.