

42, Sports Club President

Western Australia

Hilarious and not one to hide in the background, Teresa also says: “I’m loud, boisterous, bossy. You’ll either love me or hate me, there’s no in between. But I think you’ll love me”.

A woman of many skills, Teresa is an MC who can command a crowd of 10,000 people, she’s a DJ, manages drag queen shows, runs netball clubs, is a mum and is taking the opportunity to play The Traitors to prove something to herself and her community.

Teresa says she won’t have a strategy going in but will take it day by day, saying: “I can walk into a room and will either light it up or stay quiet and watch what’s happening. At the end of the day, people are my superpower and it’s going to help me in this game. I do have a hero complex and love to save the day so I will need to tone that down”.

Hoping she’ll make a great Traitor, Teresa thinks she might be a better Faithful saying, “I’m worried people can just read my face and I’m not a great liar. If I’m doing something wrong, I usually talk too much and I feel that might give me away. But there’s money on the table so let’s hope I can hold it together”.

Teresa thinks her competitiveness will also get her to the end, saying: “I don’t think you understand how competitive I am and if I lose this game, I am going to cry. I’m going to burn down wherever we are and then I’ll start a Go Fund Me page”.