

32, Real Estate Agent


Matt is a one-of-a-kind real estate agent from the Gold Coast. He’s known for his fun take on the industry and wants to show Australia that not all real estate agents are bad, saying: “I do think real estate agents get a bad rap but unfortunately a lot of agents don’t have their clients’ best interests at heart. One of my favourite sayings in life is there are estate agents and there are real estate agents”.

Wanting to prove real estate agents can have a heart, Matt says in the real world his word is his bond. He says: “Loyalty means everything to me coming from an Italian family. We’re very big on ethics, doing the right thing, loyalty and family is everything”.

Matt wants to use these life skills in the game but is also excited by the prospect of playing a little more devious saying: “I think I’d make a great Traitor because I’m very creative, I think on the spot. But I am very in tune with sniffing out liars and developing an understanding on how to make the right decisions so being a Faithful might be right for me as well”.

He admits he doesn’t really care about winning the money, Matt just wants to win and outsmart his competitors.