

61, Financial Investigator


A financial investigator, Paul is competitive and grew up with the saying: “You don’t win silver, you lose gold. That was always what my parents taught me”.

He has worked in the industry for over 30 years and has been part of conferences with the FBI and CIA teaching him how to look out for body movements, verbal and non-verbal communication and other signs someone might be lying to you.

But while Paul can pick a liar, it’s not something he’s been allowed to do, until now. He says: “I’m not allowed to lie at work, if I was to lie, I would lose my job and my licence. But that’s why I’m in this game, all bets are off and now it’s my turn”.

Paul is hopeful his social game will also help him through the game but believes the secret to being a great Traitor is to deceive and manipulate but to do it with humour as he says: “You get more bees with honey. As far as I’m concerned, you trust nobody”.