

27, Fitness Instructor


A self-confessed lone wolf, Ethan runs a health and fitness company out of Melbourne and says his greatest passion in life is helping other people find and break the barrier they have on themselves.

With this in mind, he loves to push himself physically and mentally and currently holds two Guinness World Records. The first record is for achieving the most amount of burpees in three minutes and the second is for dragging a two-tonne vehicle 100 kilometres in 48 hours on no sleep.

Highly competitive, Ethan is a direct and straight shooter and knows he has to bite his tongue to keep himself safe in the game. He says: “There will be times I want to speak up and I know that if I do that, it could get me in trouble. My game plan coming into this is the first half, I’m going to be super likeable, super social and get everyone to like me. Second half, burn ‘em all”.

Excited to play the game, Ethan says: “I would really like to be chosen as a Traitor. You can just go in and mess stuff up and that sounds fun”.