

50, Hostage Negotiator


Hiding who you really are in a game like The Traitors can be critical and extortion response consultant Nigel will definitely be hiding a major part of his life.

While he is now working as a consultant, Nigel was a photojournalist reporting in different war zones around the world and was held hostage in Somalia for 460 days with a fellow journalist. He was held ransom until his family paid $675,000 USD to release him.

During this time, Nigel knew he had to do anything to survive, and he knows if his fellow players are aware of this experience, they will know he can handle anything thrown at him. He says: “I will not be telling anyone about my history, that would be like suicide. If people worked out I was a hostage negotiator, they would probably find that quite intimidating and not a skill set people would want in the game”.

Admitting he is stubborn like a bull, Nigel is also highly competitive and thinks playing as a Traitor would be a fun side to play for. He says: “I think you have the ability to control the game a little bit more and as The Traitors come together, you create a bit of a pact and work together on who to target”.