

57, Business Coach


Craig is a Business Coach from the Sunshine Coast who believes his career experience is setting him up in good stead for The Traitors.

He has worked with many high-profile clients, celebrities and his job has sent him all over the world. Craig says: “I’m perfect for The Traitors because it’s not just my business experience but I have a background in body language and non-verbal communication. I don’t want them to know I’m an expert at body language but I often wear my emotions on my face so I will have to watch that”.

Fiercely competitive, especially when it comes to Monopoly, Craig likes to test himself to see how far he can go and how far he can push himself.

Not afraid to be chosen as a Traitor, Craig does worry his empathetic side might come out and give his game away but if he’s a Faithful, he feels his ability to read body language will help him uncover who they are.

Craig says: “I’ll be looking for signs of deception and they might be able to hide it in their words, but their bodies will tell me a different story. We’re extremely readable, we have no idea how much we give away and often we will see something that’s not quite right, but we’ll tend to ignore it or justify it. So, I’ll be paying close attention in this game”.