29, Strategy Consultant
New South Wales
Midy loves games and is looking forward to his love of escape rooms and video games to help him move forward in The Traitors, and he wants to have a bit of fun while he’s there.
An operations manager for a technology company, Midy is a people person who is used to presenting in front of hundreds and can command a room with a joke and a story. He’s also a part time model, a job he fell into when his model girlfriend brought him along to a photo shoot during COVID.
Conflicted over being a Traitor or a Faithful, Midy says: “If I was chosen as a Faithful then I would feel at home because I’m authentic and want to be the one who uncovers the wolves hiding amongst us and lead us to victory”.
He also wants to bring his strong morals and ethics into the game saying: “I’m someone who is going to bring my values from real life into the game and that’s integrity, leading with authenticity and maximising happiness. I’m also a competitor but I don’t want to compromise on my values”.