
Citizenship Test Proving To Be Too Difficult For Aspiring Aussies

New data has revealed a shocking decline in the number of people passing the citizenship test, with more than 100,000 people failing in 14 months.

Despite a surge in migration numbers, new data has shown the citizenship test pass rate has fallen to just 65 per cent between June 2022 and August 2023.

The test requires you to correctly answer five questions on Australian values and achieve a mark of at least 75 per cent to pass. 

Data shows between June 2022 and August 2023, 288,603 tests were completed, but only 187,574 of those passed and got their citizenship. 

There’s been a steady decrease since the new section on Australian values was introduced under the Morrison government in 2020, which requires the applicant to answer correctly or fail automatically. 

Is the newly implemented section to blame? Are Australian values less observed now in a much more diverse society?

Yeah maybe. Or maybe having to take a test just sucks and nobody likes doing it. 

You can live here for 15 years and pay your taxes and be a valued member of your community, but you still do not know when Anzac Day is off the top of your head.