Speaking with Alex Cooper, host of the podcast Call Her Daddy, Millie revealed what it is in her future that has her craving the shaved head.
"I always tell Jake for my first baby, I wanna shave my hair off," Brown says. "I don't know. I just feel like it was really liberating. Would suggest it for anyone, any girl."
"Maybe like right before I'm about to give birth. Because I just think hair is such an ordeal anyway to deal with," Brown notes, saying she just wants to "nurture" her baby.
"Why deal with my hair? I think it's such a liberating experience, like to be a woman is, and I felt like I had that experience as a girl, but I'd like to have that experience as a woman."
The British actress says that she and her husband are planning on having a big family since they both come from big families.
"And my thing was, I really want a family. I really want a big family," Brown shared. "I'm one of four. He's one of four. So, it is definitely in our future, but, for me, I don't see having your own child, you know, as really any different as in adopting."