1. We’re super sad that tonight is the last time we get to see Osher’s fabulous hair until The Bachelor starts. Waah!
2. Tara comparing waking up next to Sam to waking up to Christmas presents is the cutest thing we’ve ever heard

3. Tara’s sad face when Sam needs to leave is ours when we spot a puppy in the distance we can’t pat

4. We’re going to miss seeing Team Stara on our screens so much after tonight. *starts following them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook*
5. What we wouldn’t give for a swim in that infinity pool

6. OMG, is Grant going to propose in Paradise again?
7. Aww, we’re so happy Jarrod has found love again
9. Ergh, they are just so cute together
10. Jake is really gushing over Megan

11. Did Megan just say ‘OK’ and nod after Jake poured his heart out? Hmm, this doesn’t look good
12. The sad music is playing… THE SAD MUSIC IS PLAYING!
13. Wow, poor Jake didn’t see that coming

14. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half </3
15. Jake walking back to Paradise alone without Megan is reminding us of Jarrod all over again and our hearts are hurting :(
16. OK, we’re back. This is it, guys. We’re getting closer to the proposal!

17. Keira, girl, where is this dress from? You look amazing!
18. We love how in love Keira is <3
19. LOL at “Jarrod, the burgers are ready!”
20. Oh man, now we want burgs
21. OMG he’s gonna tell Keira he loves her. FINALLY, YOU TOOK THE HINT!
22. Jarrod hopes there’s not too much wind, because Keira hates the wind, and now we want him to be our boyfriend too

23. YES! He finally told her he loves her
24. “With this ring, when it’s the right time, I would like to exchange it one day for an engagement ring”. PLEASE INVITE US TO THE WEDDING!

25. “Happy Wife, Happy Life”- quote of the night so far, Keira

26. OMG Grant just opened what looks like an engagement ring box
27. There is so much marriage talk right now

28. Ali really wants Grant to propose today
29. Grant’s speech sounds a lot like a proposal speech, right?
30. Oh! Wait... It’s a ‘commitment ring’

31. Is it us, or does Ali look kinda bummed out that she didn’t receive an engagement ring?
32. We really hope they can make the long distance work

33. HOLY MOLY. That means Sam is going to propose to Tara! *screaming*
34. Where are the tissues? We need more tissues

35. Osher’s face when Sam tells him he is proposing to Tara is ALL of us
36. Listening to Tara opening up her heart to Sam is making us sit here smiling stupidly
37. The suspense is killing us!

39. Holy moly our girl Tarzy is gonna be a wifey

40. Look at that sparkler!
41. Dammit, we’re out of tissues again
42. Yass the ring fits perfectly, just like their love for each other
43. Sam and Tara totally need their own TV show

44. “Let’s have Osher to marry us”- YES!
45. Who could forget Wais, he would definitely be the perfect flower girl
46. We totally want our futures filled with theme parks and fast food too