
New Research Shows Mosquitoes Love Dirty People Who Drink Beer

We all know that one person who claims mosquitos like their blood more than anyone else’s.

It’s a weird flex, but we have to admit, sometimes some people seem to get bitten more by the pesky little insects, but why?

Recent research has provided us with some answers as to why these blood suckers are more attracted to certain people. 

An interesting fact is that only female mosquitoes drink blood, and for those who have trust issues around women, this will make a lot of sense. 

So what do these sassy mosquito ladies want out of a meal?

If you sweat more than the average Joe, to a human, you’re gross, but to a mosquito, you’re delicious. 

They are attracted to blood with a higher temperature, so if you exercise, you’re likely to become dinner. 

They also love those of us who are partial to a beer. Drinking just one tin of beer will make you much more attractive to a mosquito, and drinking 15 cans of beer will make you attractive to no one. 

The other people who are likely to be bitten are those of us that are filthy. Mosquitoes are attracted to high bacteria build up, which explains why they go for our poor ankles that are often colonies of sweat and muck from the ground. 

Researchers also discovered that these bitey little ladies favour blood type O, as well as people who have more carbon dioxide in their bodies - so the heavier you breathe, the more delicious you become.

So if you want to avoid mozzies, it’s simple: don’t exercise or drink beer, be clean, breathe less and never, ever have type O blood. Easy.