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Annalize is threatened by Jeanne's performances at Tribal Council despite her lack of strategic gameplay.
After 39 days the Ultimate Survivor is decided.
Tom finally comes to terms with the fact that he has to betray Werner at some point to have any chance to win with how the jury has formed over the season.
Katinka approaches Tom with a plan to blindside Werner, but Tom goes to Werner afterwards to reveal Katinka's plotting against the pastor.
During the Survivor auction, PK is offered an advantage over a meal he bid on.
The women start to distance themselves from Toni as her emotional backlash is getting to young Katinka's nerves.
Katinka wins immunity. Werner decides that he needs to step up in voicing his opinions within his alliance.
The women and Werner of the original Mindanao have their sights set on Vusi due to his challenge performances.
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