
The World's Most Popular Jobs Have Been Revealed

According to Forbes contributor Tracy Brower, PhD, there’s never been a better time to find your dream job.

Brower tells us, “The job market has been significantly disrupted, and perceptions about work—and priorities for it are also in a state of upheaval. All of this makes it a great moment to pursue your passion and your purpose in a dream job.”

Indeed the job market has seen some drastic changes over the last couple of years, with some data indicating that 41% of people have left their roles of employment, while specific sectors have seen mass layoffs.

One such field is tech and with the birth of AI, inevitably replacing the jobs that humans are currently doing, more changes are surely on the horizon. Couple this with the change in mindset and attitude towards work and rewards and the job market looks decidedly different from how it was just a couple of years ago.

Brower also advises, “The jobs others want can give you ideas about your own pursuits. And they can provide insight on where the competition might be greatest.”

According to Remitly, studies show that the top ten dream jobs are as follows:

  • Pilot
  • Writer
  • Dancer
  • YouTuber
  • Entrepreneur
  • Actor
  • Influencer
  • Programmer
  • Singer
  • Teacher

I’ll be honest, this mostly looks like a list of all the things my kid wants to be when he grows up, or wants to do this weekend.

As for me, it’s rather nice to see writer on the list as it’s not only my dream job and my current job, it’s the only thing on that list I could do without someone causing injury to others. Sure I could get a pilot’s license but nothing can save these vocals.

Professor Bower reminds us also of the importance of allowing ourselves to do what we love without drawing a paycheque from it. Which is a beautiful sentiment, and while I don’t wish to squash anyone’s dreams here… that’s technically not a job, is it?