He always shamelessly flirts with the ladies.
What’s Tony spelled backwards? Y Not.
And he has a wealth of knowledge about women.
“That’s what they call a turkey vulture. 20 years past a cougar. Still likes to hunt but too old to take down the prey.”
He may have eventually stopped calling him ‘Probie’, but he’s never short of a new name for McGee.
Whether it’s solving crimes or the simple act of eating a sandwich, Dinozzo has a movie reference for it.
DiNozzo: Definitely didn't picture my demise like this. I always figured I'd go out like Cagney in White Heat, fiery explosion. Or Redford and Newman in Butch Cassidy, hail of bullets.
Gibbs: How about Charlie Chaplin in "Gold Rush"?
DiNozzo: How'd he die?
Gibbs: Silently.
He’s fearless.
“Very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo doesn’t get scared. I’ve jumped out of airplanes, dead-dropped onto aircraft carriers, and I’ve killed people, sweetheart. Lots of ‘em. I’ve gotten the plague, kissed a transvestite and been tortured by the best the Middle East has to offer."
His head is a constant target for Gibbs’ hand.
But that’s only because they love each other in a mentor/mentee, father/son kind of way.
Add Abby to this and the three of them are like a family.
Then there was the unstoppable force that was DiNozzo and Ziva. When they weren't bickering.
He always went above and beyond to help her with her English.
“Lay off the double negatives. They confuse her.”